Hand in Hand - Apricum and KNX Association at Big5 Dubai

The KNX Association is a global association of manufacturers and experts of smart home and building automation systems. This year, KNX presented its latest innovations with partners at the Big5 Dubai trade fair and Apricum was there.

The goal of any smart home is to make life more comfortable by automating your environment with as few steps as possible. One way to do this is with APRICUM's robust range of basic KNX devices - even in industrial environments such as warehouses, factories and commercial buildings!

APRICUM is a reliable manufacturer of building automation devices and cooperates in distribution with wholesalers. As a KNX manufacturer, Apricum has actively expanded its market in recent years. Starting in the Balkans, the sales area extends with wholesale partners across Europe and now into the Middle East.

During the exhibition days of the Big5 Dubai, Apricum was able to deepen some existing contacts and to hold first and promising discussions with new sales partners. The Apricum trade fair team draws a thoroughly positive balance and thanks the KNX Association for the opportunity to participate in the trade fair stand as well as all other hosts and guests.

KNX certified partner

We are approved as a certified partner for KNX products. We offer professional training on KNX devices and technology. Contact us if you have any questions about our work or would like to make an appointment!

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